Our company philosophy is to provide our customers with better products and services daily to ensure quick response and service. For these reasons we take into account the opinion of our customers, since they help us to offer better products.
We collaborate with architecture, engineering, technical services, administrations offices to which we provide specific solutions on the products they need. Thus manufacturing new products that meet the expectations of our customers. Making sure to offer products of great reliability and longevity.
You can contact us:
Headquarter, factory and warehouse
Acer 37-43 Street in the Polygon Industrial Les Guixeres. 08915 Badalona.
Phone: +34 93 116 29 75
Showroom and sales
173 Indústria Street, in Barcelona
Phone: +34 93 116 29 75
Camí del Crist street in Polígono Industrial 2, parcel 5. 08340 Vilassar de Mar.
Teléfono:+34 93 116 29 75
E-mail: info@adourbanfurniture.com